Fitness coaching kind of fell into my lap after college. It was kind of like the universe slapped me in the face and was like "hellooo we've been trying to tell you that you need to be right here!" I've been active in dance, gymnastics and softball since I was a tyke. It never left me as I got older and neither did the joy of being active and experiencing new things. Fitness is full of all the things that make my heart pound: science, creativity, adrenaline, newness, just warms my heart. The burning motivator for me as a fitness coach has always been to help people feel awesome, which is why a lot of trainers do what they do. But as I learned to fine-tune my style I became a coach who wanted to help people do the things they never thought they could, to understand that fitness doesn't have to be just the gym or that they don't have to look a particular way in order to be healthy. I just love it when I can expand someone's life by helping them move better. It just doesn't get much cooler than that! Fitness can be so exhilarating and fun and I think we could always use more fun. Don't you?