Soy Preparador Fisico y enfermero actualmente me dedico mas a los masajes esteticos y corporales
Bootcamp, Massage Therapy, CrossFit
I am a LMT as well as a CPT, helping my clients to love their bodies while they make them strong and healthy!
HIIT/Interval, Weight Loss, Massage Therapy
I'm a runner, also coaching group of very goodaf childs, i had trained about12y, and couching about 5y.
Healthy Dieting, Endurance Performance, Massage Therapy
Mi chiamo Stefano. Laureato in fisioterapia nel 2009, poi ho conseguito un master in fisioterapia sportiva e il diploma in osteopatia.
Physical Therapy, CrossFit, Massage Therapy
Physical therapist living in Cormano, (MI) helping people solving their problems and surpassing their limits.
Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Injury Rehab
Soy entrenador y quiero ser mejor cada día
Sports Nutrition, Massage Therapy, Strengthen & Tone
Female Personal Trainer Passionate about fitness and putting my knowledge into helping you achieve your own fitness goals
Bodybuilding, Massage Therapy, Weight Loss
Licenciado en Educación Física y Recreación Universidad de Caldas, entrenador de Gimnasia Artística
Bodyweight, Plyometrics, Massage Therapy
Specialized in pre/post injury or surgery. Training for strength, stability, and longevity. I specialize in working out with proper form.
Strength Training, Massage Therapy, Strengthen & Tone
Massage Therapy Student and ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. Competitive Power lifter, football coach
Strength Training, Sports, Massage Therapy
In the health & fitness industry for 25 years
Strengthen & Tone, Weight Loss, Massage Therapy
NASM Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Senior Fitness Specialist, Swim Instructor, Natural Therapeutic Specialist, Trained Massage Therapist
Balance, Massage Therapy, Strength Training