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Recent Updates

09 Aug
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Pinky Ponky did a workout:
03:40    Moderate
09 Aug
Hi Pinky!👋🏽😊
21 Aug
06 Apr
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Pinky Ponky did a workout:
09:10    Beginner
12 Apr
Miss you pinky, have a beautiful day☺
20 Feb
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
09:45    Moderate
14 Feb
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
08:55    Moderate
14 Feb
Hey Pinky☺
14 Feb
look at you go! 👌
14 Feb
(darnit, Skimble ate the prancing unicorn emoji)
08 Feb
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
03:40    Moderate
Hi Sara :) got busy with work .. now im inviting my students to do these workouts with me.
08 Feb
Wow, Look who is here, hello lady, where were you? missed you so much♥
08 Feb
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
04:00    Moderate
08 Feb
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
11:20    Intense
08 Feb
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
08:55    Moderate
hello Heiko! :) so nice to see you
08 Feb
Hey Pinky☺☺☺
23 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
09:10    Beginner
23 Jun
Hey Pinky☺
23 Jun
Hello Pinky, enjoy your weekend ☺😚
23 Jun
Happy Friday
22 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
09:10    Beginner
15 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
09:10    Beginner
15 Jun
Hello Pinky☺
21 Jun
hello lovely Pinky 😊
11 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
02:05    Moderate
50x5=250 , yesterdays record :)
11 Jun
So glad you're back 🙏😽
14 Jun
how's my favorite sloth doing? 💞💞
08 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
02:05    Moderate
+20. When confused, do squats.
08 Jun
I hope you aren't confused! Have a great day Pinky☺
08 Jun
Thanks Heiko :)
08 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
02:05    Moderate
08 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
02:05    Moderate
150. i dont know why my pajamas keep slipping down when i do this.
08 Jun
Off off off! ! !😜
08 Jun
08 Jun
Haha...naughty, Abbi
28 Jun
lol lol...
08 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
02:05    Moderate
08 Jun
Well if it was Friday I would be squatting with yah
08 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
02:05    Moderate
Right on!
07 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
29:10    Moderate
07 Jun
Pinky Ponky added a photo:
07 Jun
Wow hellooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07 Jun
That's SOOOOO GREAT!!😄😻👌👌👌well done! I imagine you enjoy yourself as much as the children 😄💞
08 Jun
07 Jun
Pinky Ponky added a photo:
My young warriors 💟💚💛💜💙💟
07 Jun
07 Jun
08 Jun
really awesome!!!! thanks for sharing, we miss you on here!!
07 Jun
Pinky Ponky added a photo:
The year gone by.. My students. I'm so proud of them💝 We do a lot of yoga games..
07 Jun
great 👏👏😊
07 Jun
that's awesome dear Pinky!!
07 Jun
Fantastic! a lovely thing ☺
28 Jun
love it Pinks welcome back....
07 Jun
via Android
Pinky Ponky posted a status update:
Hi everyone :) I'm back! Sorry about the longg absence. But life had got so busy..Anyway i was upto good work. Really loving my new job.. I really missed everybody. i see you are all still here and kudos for your dedication! Now that i have my summer break from school Im going to join you all again. xoxo
07 Jun
Welcome back Pinky! 😊
07 Jun
Welcomeee backkkk Pinky👍👍☺☺
07 Jun
Yeah welcome back PINKY 😽😽😽😽😽
07 Jun
thank you , i missed you guys!
07 Jun
Pinky is back ❗️❗️❗️❗️🎼🎵🎼🎼🎵🎼 so happy!
24 Jan
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
09:10    Beginner
24 Jan
PINKY!!!!! MISS YOU!!! how are you girl?!! 😽💞💞💞
25 Jan
hello pinky...h r u?
25 Jan
heya :) sorry for having been away guys. life got really busy. i missed everyone here and you all are always in my heart. im going to be starting back here very soon.
02 Feb
Hey Pinks hiiii
20 Apr
Miss ya...
14 Sep
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
09:45    Moderate
14 Sep
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
01:30    Moderate
14 Sep
Hello Üinky☺
13 Sep
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
05:10    Intense
Did it twice.. 200 🙆
14 Sep
Ooo, ouchy. I mean, great work, friend! 😊
13 Sep
via Android
Pinky Ponky posted a status update:
Hey I'm back everyone :) Sorry but life got so busy with my new job. I didn't mean to be away for so long. the classes with the kids have been going well although I wasn't prepared for them to be this takes away most of the class just to make them settle down. But I use a lot of fun ideas.. il post some pictures soon.. I hope everyone has been doing well.. Great consistency I see , so glad you my friends are still here!
13 Sep
Aww Pinky, you were sorely missed and I'm so glad to have you back here. Welcome back dear☺😺😽💝
13 Sep
Yeah hey welcome back Pinky! Nice to see you! 🌺💐🌹🙏😽
13 Sep
Hey Pinky☺ have a great day
13 Sep
Thanks for your constant support everyone. I missed you too! 😺
13 Sep
Glad you're enjoying your job, that's great. looking forward to seeing your pics 😄✌💚
06 Aug
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
01:00:55    Beginner
06 Aug
Heyy Pinky! Where've you been?
06 Aug
Hello Pinky☺
06 Aug
We have missed you Pink
09 Aug
14 Jul
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
15:00    Intense
14 Jul
How was your 1st day?
14 Jul
via Android
Pinky Ponky did a workout:
16:00    Moderate
14 Jul
Hey Pinky
14 Jul
14 Jul
Heya!! :)