Recent Posts by Ömer K.

Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
6 months
via iOS

Motivation & Support / What is too much for abs routines?

You look slim and toned. I would suggest 2-3 woorkouts with core engaging exercises. Don't work more but work harder. Maybe increase your calorie intake to put on more muscle. 
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
7 months
via iOS

Workouts and Programs / How to delete created workout ?

I don't think it is posssible. The best solution I could find was to edit it into a new workout.
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
8 months
via iOS
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
11 months
via iOS

Ask the Pros / Glutes help!

Hello Krissy,

I suggest you try hip thrusts. You may do hip thrusts,  low bar back squats and rdls twice a week. These are technical exercises, make sure to aim for quality of movement.  Start light, slowly progress to a challenging barbell weight only when you are satisfied with your technique. I know it is expensive but a trainer by your side would be great for safety and faster results. Please consult your physician before any workout program if you have not already done so. Be consistent, results will come.

I'm sending a leg/glute workout you can try. Glute And Core Toning
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
about 1 year
via iOS

Welcome Wagon / Just completed the Home Bootcamp

Good for you Tim, keep it up. 👏👏👏
06 Jun
you're very kind. Thanks for the encouragement!
10 Jul
Awesome! I'm going to do that program as often as I can.
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
about 1 year
via iOS

Women's Locker Room / How to stop night eating

Put up your least favorite and most out of shape photo on the fridge door. Mark the calendar for each day you do and do not eat at night. Be accountable. Reward yourself after each successful two weeks with something like a massage or skin care at the spa, etc. When you start to see results of good eating and regular exercising, take a picture of yourself with your favorite outfit and favorite people. And than put up this phot next to the one you do not like to remind yourself that you can be successful.
19 Apr
I really like this suggestion! Thank you
11 Jul
eat a little protein before bed. I like cottage cheese with cubed tomatoes. I season a little with misses dash. but if you sweet a lot while sleeping sprinkle a little salt on the tomatoes. up to you and your health needs and taste preferences.
11 Jul
I mean sweat, not sweet. fat fingered keys. LOL
11 Jul
I stay away from quick carbs, caffeine and sugars before bed as well.
Pickles are good too
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
over 1 year
via iOS

Health Conditions / Rheumatoid arthritis


I don’t have such a program yet, but I’m working on it.
You can safely try these 3 workouts I created:
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
almost 2 years
via iOS

Welcome Wagon / I wany to greet my fellow Skimble users and remind you to never give up

You are inspiring. Fitness and discipline can be miraculous. 
Never give up!
26 Sep
thanks for such a heartfelt, inspiring, motivotional testimony. so good that you're still kerping on keeping on, after all that adversity. You have owned it , and conquered it, and thanks for sharing it. that can only help people. well done
26 Sep
sorry, that was supposed to be to Rajah.
27 Sep
Don't limit your challenges, challenge your limits! 💪🏻
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
almost 2 years
via iOS

Ask the Pros / Recommended Programs for Endomorphs

You must do some strength training to increase your metabolic rate. Twice each week will be good.
Fast flowing workouts with light to medium weights will be beneficial. You may want to try:

Total Body Metabolic Conditioning

Difficulty: Moderate

Duration: 36:19

2in1 Hourglass Abs & Booty Pump

Difficulty: Intense

Duration: 10:14

In addition, you can do cardio and hiit workouts two-three times each week.  These two are good, but there are many more.

Killer Cardio AMRAP

Difficulty: Intense

Duration: 19:03

30 Min Low Impact Full Body Workout

Difficulty: Moderate

Duration: 35:49

If you have access to gym equipment, you may want to try this:

Gym Cardio
Duration: 4 Weeks
Workouts: 19 Workouts
Difficulty: Intense

Have fun!
13 Aug
Thank you so much! Will check out these programs. 😊
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
about 2 years
via iOS

Motivation & Support / Seeing results

Congratulations, that’s fantastic!
I always remind myself that working out has to be like brushing your teeth; You have to keep on doing it regularly as long as you live. As a side effect, you will see great physical changes. Of course the grand prize is good health. One doctor wrote “If we could bottle and sell exercise as medicine, it would surely be the most sought after and most expensive drug”. Enjoy.
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
about 2 years
via iOS

Welcome Wagon / Overwhelmed newbie needs advice


Your lower back must be first priority. Do not panic but see your physician asap. Learn safe exercises to strengthen your abs and obliques. Start with core exercises, the simpler the better. 
Lower back problems can range from simple to very dangerous. Whatever you do, do not exercise neglecting pain and discomfort.

But also, don’t be discouraged and don’t give up. 💪
Ömer Köseoğlu
12 Posts
about 2 years
via iOS

Ask the Pros / Overwhelmed Workout Newbie

Hi Kimberly,
I suggest you to not rush it. Start slowly. Choose two or three short (10-30min) workouts you enjoy and repeat them weekly for a month or two. Walk as much as you can. Switch when bored.
Everyone knows that dieting is a temporary solution. I always tell my clients that the most important thing you can do to stay at your desired weight is constant motivation. But you have to discover what motivates you. Everyone is different. For me, friends who are fit and mindful of what they eat is a great motivator. I also read about health to remind myself of what food does to my body (like the undesired affects of refined sugar). Once you discover the things that are motivating, you have to keep reminding yourself -daily-. Put up pictures on the fridge, on the wardrobe doors. Talk to like minded people daily. Watch shows, read books, buy some new clothes, etc.

If consuming less calories is too difficult, you can also try intermittent fasting. I find it easier to lose weight with i.f.
Of course you should first ask your doctor about this. Intermittent fasting is not suitable for everybody. Make sure you have no health condition that may harm you if you do i.f. But usually it is a safe thing for most people.

Good luck. 20 lbs is not that difficult, you can do it!