Health Conditions / Rheumatoid arthritis
Carla,Welcome Wagon / I wany to greet my fellow Skimble users and remind you to never give up
You are inspiring. Fitness and discipline can be miraculous.Ask the Pros / Recommended Programs for Endomorphs
Hi,Total Body Metabolic Conditioning
Difficulty: Moderate
Duration: 36:19
2in1 Hourglass Abs & Booty Pump
Difficulty: Intense
Duration: 10:14
Difficulty: Intense
Duration: 19:03
30 Min Low Impact Full Body Workout
Difficulty: Moderate
Duration: 35:49
If you have access to gym equipment, you may want to try this:
Gym Cardio
Duration: 4 Weeks
Workouts: 19 Workouts
Difficulty: Intense
Motivation & Support / Seeing results
Congratulations, that’s fantastic!Welcome Wagon / Overwhelmed newbie needs advice
Hi,Ask the Pros / Overwhelmed Workout Newbie
Hi Kimberly,