Recent Posts by Melissa J.

Melissa Jimenez
3 Posts
over 10 years
via iOS

Body Building / Skinny legs syndrome

I was the same way when I started... 

What I did first was squats. Just remember to put your weight on your heels when doing them to take the strain off your knees. 

You also want to do some core exercises which will help with the balancing needed for the lunges.  

Then you can start doing the lunges but you may want to start off with a runners lunge (a little easier) when you feel that the runners lunge is getting easier for you, try to do a regular standing lunge (alternating). Finally, once you master that, you can start adding weight.  

It is definitely a process but it is rewarding to see how far you have become by doing these little steps.

Good luck
10 Nov
Be sure to take that step forward, then lower your body as close to the ground so your knee almost touches the floor, then alternate. I always see people rocking their body forward while lunging. Make sure your knees don't pass your toes
Melissa Jimenez
3 Posts
over 10 years
via iOS

Workouts and Programs / Important!!! (Help)

I agree with Patrick... It is good that you are wanting to lose weight and be fit but you also need a more realistic timeline... It is possible to lose all that weight by Christmas but it will be extremely difficult and you will most likely feel weak.  When trying to get those quick results, you put your body through a lot of stress. When your body goes through that much stress, you are more likely to binge after the holidays.  This is why diets don't work... Diets are made for quick results but not long lasting ones.  Getting thin and fit is a lifestyle.  Everything needs to change (slowly)...
Melissa Jimenez
3 Posts
over 10 years
via iOS

Workouts and Programs / Ass

I like doing the fire hydrants... My ass is on fire afterwards!