Recent Posts by Herel G.

Herel Grise
249 Posts
almost 8 years
via iOS

Welcome Wagon / Bonjour

Oui madame
24 Apr
what are you today is Monday
05 Jun
sex body ok with you
Herel Grise
249 Posts
almost 9 years
via iOS

Weight Loss / Best workouts to lose weight !

Try some burpees 💧
You can also focus on your biggest muscles (glutes) with squats 
22 Sep
Thanks , I'm doing burpees and other cardio exercises .I've lost 8 KGS in a time period of 2 months .May - June. Since then I've kept it maintained however ,but I'm not losing another 7kgs despite I'm working out hard.
18 Dec
Probably u diet not going right hmm if u working out u should lose weight
Herel Grise
249 Posts
almost 9 years
via iOS

Workouts and Programs / My arms are stop getting bigger

Hey guys!
I mix 21's style biceps curls and triceps extension
I increase my arm size of 1cm
Herel Grise
249 Posts
almost 9 years
via Android
06 Aug
Thank you Herel!!! I love how we've got similar squatting goals. Helen's challenge I did back when she created the 3 workouts. 1 month 3 workouts a week. It was good! Squat Nation is on my list of squats to do already. Also looks good! Other one looks challenging but my knees would dieeee to do 2 squat challenges right now. Maybe in the future. If you come across other's stick them in here! I really appreciate any help or suggestions. ^^
06 Aug
You welcome
Herel Grise
249 Posts
almost 9 years
via iOS

Workouts and Programs / Let's be honest...

Sometimes going to the toilets could be an intense core workout
24 Jul
25 Jul
Herel Grise
249 Posts
almost 9 years
via iOS

Workouts and Programs / My arms are stop getting bigger

Hi skimbler family
I have a problem. My arms stop getting bigger
I used to do this workout :
When i feel it become too easy i had some weight.
I do this one twice a week
I eat all i can to make muscles ( lot of meat) but my arms don't grow ( when i contract my arm it is 36cm since 1 year)
14 Jul
It depends what works for you Herel. To build size I go with low reps of 6-8 with very heavy weight & 2min rest. Slow movements of 3-4 secs per lift
14 Jul
I try to do this that's why i use my max (20kg each dumbbells for me) but i think i don't do the Motion so slowly. I Will try . Thank You Scotty
14 Jul
Google "21's" as well and start doing them. They are partial reps which are excellent for adding mass. I incorporate them at the end of some of my workouts as a burn-out exercise (I don't log them though so you won't find them on here)
14 Jul
Train both biceps and triceps equally. Try adding hammer curls too.
15 Jul
Thanks i Will try to add the 21's to my arms session. I Will think how adding more triceps workout too
Herel Grise
249 Posts
about 9 years
via iOS

Weight Loss / How much do u weigh

100kg for 198cm
Herel Grise
249 Posts
about 9 years
via Android

Welcome Wagon / Training Sessions

At least 2 times the upper body and 2 times the lower body

Herel Grise
249 Posts
about 9 years
via iOS
Herel Grise
249 Posts
about 9 years
via iOS
Herel Grise
249 Posts
about 9 years
via Android

Motivation & Support / JUNE CHALLENGE - WHO'S A LITTLE CRAZY??!!

Next time.
I am too late on the burpees challenge. Only day 15 ( what a shame) 😥

24 May
Do it later on Herel. After you finish the burpees torture challenge. :)
24 May
Yeah Hadi! Maybe i will do it with you because it will begin slowly.
26 May
Yippieeeeee └(^o^)┘
Herel Grise
249 Posts
about 9 years
via Android
Herel Grise
249 Posts
about 9 years
via iOS


Just wondering : what kind of burpees are You doing?
I do push up burpees and it quickly become a "hell burpees challenge " 
But i won't give up even if it takes me all the day to do the 30th day
03 May
I do 1 2 burpees when I raise I do a left right punch
03 May
Standard burpees for me, please :) Started with 50 per day though, because I don't really work out hard and wanted to feel the challenge earlier (and it's still bearable with regular ones)
Herel Grise
249 Posts
about 9 years
via iOS

Weight Loss / Motivation?

Try burpees challenge 😼
Herel Grise
249 Posts
about 9 years
via Android


Looks fun! I'm in
Do you have a workout to show that we did it in our profile?

28 Apr
"Fun".... Yeah ermmmm it's "fun" by the 30th day 😽
Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android
Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android

Help / Technical Support

I don't know why but for several days i have a lot of error happening when i post some comment or reply to a topic. I have a server error message and i have to refresh several times.
I have a galaxy tab.

04 Apr
Try to log out and log in again. Helped me with problems I had in the past
04 Apr
Agree with Matthias. Since I did this, it's better too
06 Apr
Thanks guy! It works! You are the best!
Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android

Welcome Wagon / Cheater * _ *

Don't read all the comments but maybe he was doing your exercices offline and when he sync it has done what you are telling

04 Apr
Nope he was cheating and that's why his profile got deleted. You would have known that if his comments were still up
Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android

Welcome Wagon / Cheater * _ *

Don't read all the comments but maybe he was doing your exercices offline and when he sync it has done what you are telling

04 Apr
I do my workouts offline and it still logs my workouts correctly.
04 Apr
i have frequent double logs due to to sketchy wifi or internet when traveling and i erase them once behind a laptop, but this guy was cheating, i looked through his workouts, so easy to figure out the ones that come in with a Boom , -- and leave as quickly as they came =) , there is a reason why his account is erased, because he got caught. really gets old, doesn't it. always some idiot out there who thinks they get a cookie or two when they re Number One lol!
05 Apr
Yes you can certainly do that or maybe just maybe get a life.
05 Apr
Yo mama must be a lesbian the cuz she loves the things this little girl does to her in bed. Okay I crossed a line I didn't want to but there ya go now at least pick any good workout and annoy the hell out of that not us. And I won't be replying anymore as I'd be enjoying my weekend bubye
05 Apr
Then* cuz
Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android

Motivation & Support / Anyone from or HiiT traning

I was looking with suzanna.
It was the really beginning and i thought i was pretty fun and closed to people.
Now i think they lost a little bit thiq spirit. That's why i am on skimble

Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android
Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android

Motivation & Support / 80's SONG OF THE DAY

Livin on a prayer - bon jovi
Final countdown - europe

I love 80's metal!

24 Mar
Living on a prayer is my 'go to' song when singing in the car with my daughter. I've even done an acoustic version for her 😊
24 Mar
Good choice! A good way to give a good education to children lol
Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android

Motivation & Support / Help me gain weight.

Eat more protein and do your workout.
You will gain muscle and weight

Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android

Welcome Wagon / Newbie

Hang on! You can do it

Herel Grise
249 Posts
over 9 years
via Android

Motivation & Support / Got to get fit!!!

Forget junk food lol
A good diet is a non starving one.
I think you will find in the forum some good advice about diet. (I'm trying to gain weight so i don't think i could help you on this lol)