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About Me

For me, fitness has been truly life-changing. You might not believe it, but I struggled a lot to get where I am today, physically and mentally. I’ve struggled with feelings of depression, and in the past that led me to neglect my health.  But when I made the choice to commit to my own physical and mental health, it allowed me to become the strong, confident woman I am today. Sure, it was hard work, but I can honestly say that fitness saved my life. Not just because I’m physically healthier it gave me the discipline, focus and mental strength to do something truly worthwhile. Committing to your own health and fitness isn't about individual workouts or training routines - it's a lifelong change in your lifestyle and attitude!

My Workouts

Full Body HIRT Workout
34 minutes, Intense
17 mins 5 secs, Intense

Recent Updates

21 Apr
via iOS
07 Apr
Lyndsey Carbery added a photo:
07 Apr
21 Dec