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10 Oct
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
07:10    Intense
12 Jun
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
20:00    Intense
05 Jun
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
26:40    Intense
29 May
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
26:00    Intense
28 May
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
29:30    Intense
29 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
27:00    Intense
29 Apr
Pretty hardcore with no rest periods. I managed to get blisters on my middle finger knuckles. I think I'll have to wear gloves next time.
26 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
24:00    Intense
26 Apr
Pretty good workout. No breaks between sets is key and jumping rope really gets the heart working!
24 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
16:30    Intense
24 Apr
I like this as a good supplement to a shorter workout like the Max Tabata or other 10-15 minute workout. Push-up holds make my arms quiver.
24 Apr
via iOS
Shaun Brown did a workout:
11:00    Intense
24 Apr
This was a good workout though even pushing it and doing max reps it seemed a little short. I followed it up with the Hold-It Challenge. Good 27 minutes combined.
22 Apr
via iOS
Shaun Brown did a workout:
28:30    Intense
22 Apr
This is a pretty hardcore workout if you use a 20lb kettle bell instead of a dumbell.
24 Apr
Hi and well done. But to make things worse its actually meant to be 3 rounds. And yeah kettle bell is nicer to handle with some of the exercises.
24 Apr
3 rounds??? I think if I pushed it, I could do 2 rounds. 3 rounds would kill me. It did a good job of kicking my butt anyway :-)
25 Apr
wait might be getting confused. It's not a big difference since people like to edit it to their level. What I was trying to say it this only does 2 rounds (sets) of the 10 exercises instead of the 3 rounds of 10. So just a little bit more to do. Consider joining the challenge of doing it 3 times a week for all of May?
25 Apr
I think it would be great! I'm going to be missing working out at home because I'm traveling to Australia from May 5th to May 15th. I can join the challenge and do the workout as much as I can though!
17 Apr
via iOS
Shaun Brown did a workout:
39:00    Intense
15 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
20:00    Intense
11 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
10:00    Beginner
11 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
20:00    Intense
09 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
20:00    Intense
09 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
16:30    Intense
09 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
16:35    Intense
02 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
26:40    Intense
02 Apr
Very nice workout. Shoulder blaster!
01 Apr
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
24:30    Intense
01 Apr
I haven't sweat this good in a long time! This workout gets your heart pumpin!
29 Mar
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
24:00    Intense
25 Mar
Shaun Brown is now following:
and 4 more »
25 Mar
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22 Mar
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
15:00    Intense
14 Mar
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
20:00    Intense
14 Mar
Excellent workout!
12 Mar
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Shaun Brown did a workout:
08:00    Intense
12 Mar
This is a pretty good workout. Gets the blood pumping fast! I combined this with climbing actual flights of stairs and it devastated me!
27 Feb
via iOS
Shaun Brown did a workout:
10:00    Intense