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About Me

After many years of doing some things right, some of the time but not enough to see lasting changes, and after almost becoming a fatal statistic myself, I finally got it (hit bottom again and again) and made fitness like putting on my clothes every day. Then I made plans to adopt life changes and followed them through which led me to becoming a certified personal trainer. And no, it was NOT easy at all, but so very worth all the blood, sweat, and tears.

Recent Updates

07 Feb
05 Feb
Heather Love added a photo:
02 Feb
Heather Love added a photo:
28 Jan
Heather Love is now following:
22 Jan
Heather Love added a photo:
19 Jan
19 Jan
via iOS
Heather Love posted a status update:
Sweet Spot Have you found your sweet spot yet? No, no, no I don't mean your sweet tooth (or your salty one for that matter)! I mean your sweet spot or what is often referred to as the runner's high. This can also be obtained when working out becomes an almost daily habit. You will become used to those released endorphins after a great workout, even to the point of missing them or feeling down when you miss a workout or two. Make it a point to find your sweet spot and enjoy.
14 Jan
Heather Love added a photo:
12 Jan
Heather Love added a photo:
07 Jan
Heather Love posted a status update:
A rest day or two during the week is very beneficial!
06 Jan
Heather Love added a photo:
02 Jan
Heather Love is now following:
Jeremy Roberts
From United States
and 1 more »
14 Dec
Heather Love did a cardio session:
Gym Cardio
Style: Cardio Boxing
Distance: 3 mi
Time: 52 minutes
Avg. Mile Pace: 17:20
14 Dec
Heather Love added a trip:
Dec 13, 2017
06 Dec
Heather Love added a photo: