Workout Discussion

26 Mar
01 Mar
Good workout but wish there was a chime at the beginning, and also the end.
01 Apr
I collapsed after 30 seconds! Help Guys, how do i do this?
30 Jun
06 Aug
I must have abs in there somewhere cos i made it 😹
11 Jun
07 Jan
Just over 1 min. I’m a wimp. LOL... Better next time!! ; )
11 Sep
Really tough!
05 Jul
2 minutes - too easy:) going for 3.5 - 4!
20 Jun
10 May
Yaassss done
05 May
i did it wawoooo
24 Mar
and a bad exercise for someone over 50 and has a bad back I was able to get about a minute-and-a-half before I collapsed. I do plan to keep it up and hopefully get to 2 minutes and over
25 Mar
Little rough haven't worked out in a while
24 Feb
I'm so out of shape but yet so slim
24 Feb
It's hard
05 Feb
Very tof
29 Jan
Taking into consideration that i have back problems " I have started doing the 7minutes workout for about a week now. I gotta admit I'm feeling the burn ! I had been doing Chalene Johnson workout and I didn't get the results I'm getting now !
22 Nov
To easy i could last double that time with no training
19 Jan
I had to drop my knees sometimes, but not bad considering my back is bad. Getting better though!
03 Dec
It's tough as I have bursitis on one elbow
07 Oct
It's exciting
02 Aug
I did it, but my mom failed;-)
22 Jul
Vy N do it with a 45lb plate on your back or whatever weight is challenging.