Workout Discussion

30 Jul
At leas three in a row for an moderate exercise
20 Apr
Could have been longer, maybe another round after completing the exercises.
06 Sep
i would like more vocal indication, expecially for the transition from an exercise to another. thanks
05 Jul
@Kermit M If you think being sick is a lame excuse to not workout, you're lamer.
29 Dec
@mah tt
09 Aug
Do you think I could lose weight doing it every day with a healthy diet?
05 Jun
Great 😽😽😽
28 Feb
great warm up
17 Sep
Is it ok to do this as a warmup? Or is it too much for warmup?
01 Sep
A great #noexcuses workout. When short on time, not feeling well, or any other lame excuse, I love feeling the boost from this quickie. Thanks #skimble
23 Sep
29 May
tres très facile
09 Apr
07 Mar
It's easy, but after repeating twice you'll feel like a fountain. recommended for a warmup, i guess.
30 Oct
There's a new advanced seven minute workout reported this week. Hope Skimble can add that soon
17 Oct
I like this very much and it is my top list, do it frequently.
14 Oct
Good, but not intense. Moderate would be the correct category.
02 Oct
Easy but efficient
02 Aug
15 Jul
This looks mean! Woud like to try it when i feel a lot more better than i do now. I am so unfit.
30 Jun
Totally a great workout for body strenght nice work frind
03 May
How many calories do you think this burns?
28 Jan
This workout is not easy. I do like it. I hope it is as effective as they say it is. Nice workout to do when one is running low on time and/or energy
25 Jan
waa,this workout is totally work..=D