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19 Feb
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
10:40    Beginner
I need to find out how to loosen and gain flexibility in my back
19 Feb
Don't worry, it just need time and practice to soften the rigid muscles :) ..dooon't GIVE UP (;
19 Feb
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
30:00    Moderate
Nice stretch after working out
15 Feb
via Android
Mikayla Stagg posted a status update:
I now weight myself weekly. I have been loosing an average of 2.1 lbs a week. Now 4 week in and I have lose 10.7 lbs (:
15 Feb
You're doing great 💜 .. Don't give up :)
15 Feb
Thank you so much
15 Feb
Mikayla Stagg added a photo:
Day 22 2-7-16
15 Feb
Mikayla Stagg added a photo:
Progress Photo. Day 1 (left) Day 9 (center) Day 13 (right)
15 Feb
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
30:00    Moderate
I can feel myself getting more flexible
15 Feb
Hey I e-mailed you.
15 Feb
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
30:00    Moderate
02 Feb
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
30:00    Moderate
A nice stretch
02 Feb
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Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
16:20    Intense
Painful but not too bad
02 Feb
via Android
Mikayla Stagg posted a status update:
Feeling sore today. Ouch. Has anyone else tried burn to the beat on YouTube with kierra lashae?
01 Feb
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
10:00    Beginner
Great for night time
30 Jan
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
10:00    Beginner
That was nice
29 Jan
via Android
Mikayla Stagg posted a status update:
I am so committed and ready to loose this weight. I have spent my whole life being too afraid of failure to try, but now I know that just because I don't make progress every week doesn't mean I'm failing. I can do this 💞
30 Jan
I will be here with you thru your journey
30 Jan
Thank you! The same goes for you
29 Jan
Mikayla Stagg added a photo:
29 Jan
Mikayla Stagg added a photo:
29 Jan
Mikayla Stagg added a photo:
30 Jan
You can do it. Maybe we can exchange emails so we can stay in contact
30 Jan
@Kierra B brettsbabekayla
29 Jan
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
16:00    Moderate
I need to work on balance and core strength
20 Jan
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
05:00    Beginner
Felt great
20 Jan
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
07:05    Moderate
Not too bad
20 Jan
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Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
10:00    Moderate
Burpees were a no go
20 Jan
Mikayla Stagg is now following:
and 1 more »
20 Jan
Mikayla Stagg is now following:
and 14 more »
20 Jan
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Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
16:20    Intense
Ow. Ow. Ow.
20 Jan
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Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
20:00    Intense
18 Jan
Mikayla Stagg is now following:
Ibrahim S
From Saudi Arabia
and 1 more »
18 Jan
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Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
30:00    Moderate
18 Jan
Mikayla Stagg is now following:
and 2 more »
18 Jan
via Android
Mikayla Stagg did a workout:
30:00    Moderate