MY STORY I was an aspiring amateur boxer with one dilemma - I was walking around at 210 pounds with a frame naturally built for 160 pounds. I was overweight. My body fat percentage was very high for the level and class of boxer I was striving to be. At 5’10” and 210 lbs, I would be competing as a heavyweight, but with over 20% body fat, I knew I would be at a disadvantage. My fellow competitors ranging around 6’2”, 230 lbs and 12% body fat would have an undeniable power and reach over me, which they could use to win and I was not willing to allow this to be my fate. I knew if I competed like this as a heavyweight, I would not be realizing my full potental. I not only wanted to be a great boxer, I wanted to look like a great boxer: lean and athletic. It was at this point I started on my path to weight loss and began to diet. I tried and failed for about 2 years before I came to the realization that I needed to make the most of what I already had instead of giving in to the excuses of not having enough money, time, etcetera; this is when real change started to happen for me. Through trial and error, I found a system that has worked for me and for many others since then. I met the goals I set out for myself and continue to use that knowledge in my daily life, whether it is maintaining my ideal weight or making weight for martial art competitions. I am now a certified trainer and a martial arts competitor looking to spread my knowledge to people in my area who are ready to take in this information and make lasting changes in their own lives. If you are ready to move forward, I urge you to call or email me.