ABOUT US Power(Ed) On Purpose (POP) is a family-owned fitness and wellness organization of certified fitness trainers, wellness coaches, and exercise specialists. We help our clients with their wellness needs by creating a life balance that prioritizes individual and family well-being while strengthening bonds across their relationships. MISSION, VALUES & GOALS Since 2014, our mission has been to empower and ignite purpose across our community, one person/family at a time, through research-based fitness, nutrition, and wellness strategies. At POP, we value whole-person development through healthy relationships with family, fitness, food, and friends. Therefore, creating an environment where people feel safe and leave feeling stronger is important to us. As dedicated spouses, parents, and caregivers, we understand the toll of navigating daily needs to ensure family health. That is why our goals are simple: - Give clients the wellness education, tools, and resources they need to identify gaps in their well-being. - Understand the processes to repair the gaps. - Put a plan together that’s personalized and effective.