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01 Mar
J Mar added a photo:
01 Mar
via Android
J Mar did a workout:
24:00    Intense
hell yea!
31 May
Hi. I really liked the workout you made: Bootcamp marine corps style. That is tge only workout on this app that I have actually sweat!! I'm gonna do it everyday. Thank you!! :)
24 Dec
Thnaks! The only one workout I am sweeting on.
03 Feb
I just did your boot camp workout :) defiantly brought back memories. Semper Fi
08 May
Shit is easy compared to bootcamp but brought back fun times on the quarter deck
13 May
I'm going to mcrt in June can you give me any advice?
13 Mar
Hello J, I am loooking for weight loss program, but got confused as to which workout to start from , if you can guide ....I am beingner and looking for cardio workout and ab exercise