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This yoga workout is designed to enhance your performance not only on the slopes, but in all the sports you do. This routine will lengthen major muscles in the legs such as, hamstrings, quadriceps and psoas. As well, this workout will open your shoulders, aiming to create overall balance.


Set 1: 1 round
Stretch your arms overhead with palms on the ground.
Child's Pose
20 seconds
Rhomboid Opener
Rhomboid Opener
25 seconds
Come back to your hands and knees. If you're feeling tipsy, widen the stance you have on your hands and knees.
Bird Dog
45 seconds

Set 2: 3 rounds
If possible, press your heels toward the floor. Keep your shoulders down and back.
Downward Facing Dog
20 seconds
Yoga Plank
Yoga Plank
20 seconds
Modified Chaturanga
Modified Chaturanga
40 seconds
Firm your shoulder blades against your back for maximum effect.
30 seconds

Set 3: 1 round
Right Half Split
Right Half Split
20 seconds
Left Half Split
Left Half Split
20 seconds
Right High Lunge with Clasped Hands
Right High Lunge with Clasped Hands
30 seconds
Left High Lunge with Clasped Hands
Left High Lunge with Clasped Hands
30 seconds
Right Pike Side Twists
Right Pike Side Twists
40 seconds
Left Pike Side Twists
Left Pike Side Twists
40 seconds

Set 4: 1 round
If possible, press your heels toward the floor. Keep your shoulders down and back.
Downward Facing Dog
20 seconds
Right Lunge Easy Twist
Right Lunge Easy Twist
20 seconds
Left Lunge Easy Twist
Left Lunge Easy Twist
20 seconds

Set 5: 1 round
Right High Lunge
Right High Lunge
20 seconds
Knee Raise to Right Warrior 3
Knee Raise to Right Warrior 3
30 seconds
Left High Lunge
Left High Lunge
20 seconds
Knee Raise to Left Warrior 3
Knee Raise to Left Warrior 3
30 seconds

Set 6: 1 round
Right Warrior 2
Right Warrior 2
20 seconds
Right Modified Side Angle
Right Modified Side Angle
20 seconds
Right Triangle
Right Triangle
20 seconds
Right Warrior 2
Right Warrior 2
20 seconds
Left Warrior 2
Left Warrior 2
20 seconds
Left Modified Side Angle
Left Modified Side Angle
20 seconds
Left Triangle
Left Triangle
20 seconds
Left Warrior 2
Left Warrior 2
20 seconds

Set 7: 1 round
Downward Facing Dog with Right Leg Raise
Downward Facing Dog with Right Leg Raise
20 seconds
Right Modified Pyramid
Right Modified Pyramid
20 seconds
Downward-Facing Dog with Left Leg Raise
Downward-Facing Dog with Left Leg Raise
20 seconds
Left Modified Pyramid
Left Modified Pyramid
20 seconds

Set 8: 1 round
Right IT Band Stretch
Right IT Band Stretch
30 seconds
Left IT Band Stretch
Left IT Band Stretch
30 seconds
If possible, press your heels toward the floor. Keep your shoulders down and back.
Downward Facing Dog
20 seconds

Set 9: 1 round
Right Low Lunge
Right Low Lunge
30 seconds
Left Low Lunge
Left Low Lunge
30 seconds
Half Frog Pose
Half Frog Pose
45 seconds

Set 10: 1 round
30 seconds
Dolphin Dog
Dolphin Dog
30 seconds
Yoga Bridge
Yoga Bridge
30 seconds
Floor Knee to Chest Stretch
Floor Knee to Chest Stretch
25 seconds

Set 11: 1 round
Right Half Pigeon
Right Half Pigeon
40 seconds
Left Half Pigeon
Left Half Pigeon
40 seconds

Set 12: 1 round
Wide Right Leg Stretch
Wide Right Leg Stretch
20 seconds
Wide Left Leg Stretch
Wide Left Leg Stretch
20 seconds
Happy Baby
Happy Baby
20 seconds
Open up your legs and place your thighs, knees and toes slightly outward. This is a great way to relax your heart, so make sure nothing is raised off the ground.
1 minute

Workout Discussion

17 May
thanks for the program. i enjoyed it.
15 Dec
I didn't like that the poses didn't flow into the next pose.
12 Dec
Awesome!! I think left IT band picture 2 is backward in the stance.

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Related Workouts

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Pre-Workout Yoga
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Recommended Gear

Do this workout with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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