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Do you spend hours sitting at your desk? Then start with this workout that is designed to open your hips! Mobilizing your hips also improves lower back and knee health. Let's get started!


Set 1: 1 round
Floor Knee to Chest Stretch
Floor Knee to Chest Stretch
20 seconds
Happy Baby
Happy Baby
30 seconds
Laying Down Spinal Twist with Legs Crossed
Laying Down Spinal Twist with Legs Crossed
35 seconds
Pretzel Stretches
Pretzel Stretches
1 minute

Set 2: 1 round
If possible, press your heels toward the floor. Keep your shoulders down and back.
Downward Facing Dog
20 seconds
Child's Pose with Side Reaches
Child's Pose with Side Reaches
20 seconds
Right Lunge
Right Lunge
20 seconds
Right Lunge Easy Twist
Right Lunge Easy Twist
20 seconds
Left Lunge
Left Lunge
20 seconds
Left Lunge Easy Twist
Left Lunge Easy Twist
20 seconds

Set 3: 3 rounds
Right High Lunge
Right High Lunge
20 seconds
Left High Lunge
Left High Lunge
20 seconds

Set 4: 1 round
Right Half Pigeon
Right Half Pigeon
35 seconds
Left Half Pigeon
Left Half Pigeon
35 seconds

Set 5: 1 round
Open up your legs and place your thighs, knees and toes slightly outward. This is a great way to relax your heart, so make sure nothing is raised off the ground.
1 minute

Workout Discussion

05 May
the hold too dhort. I def won't pay for this app.
03 Jun
Each position needs to be much longer. This is no good at all.
05 Apr
this is speed yoga now. I thought is suppose to be destressing instead of stressing to get in an other pose before time runs out.
28 Mar
Should be changed to gold each position longer and give time to transition between positions.
04 Jan
Too fast to keep up. Should be better paced.
24 Oct

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Related Workouts

Free Your Hips C
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Freedom Flow B
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Freedom Flow C
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Freedom Flow A
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Hip Stretches for Beginners
14 mins 35 secs, Beginner
Happy Hips
5 minutes, Moderate

Do this workout in Workout Trainer
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✓ Integrated smartwatch & heart rate monitor experience
✓ Earn points, compete on the Leaderboard, stay motivated!
✓ Scheduling to fit your busy lifestyle
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Recommended Gear

Do this workout with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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