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There is lots of ab going on in this quick core strengthening workout. We want to make sure that everything from your abs: oblique, transverse and stabilizing muscles are tapped into during this short ride. Your middle needs this!


Set 1: 1 round
Walking Inchworms with Push-Ups
Walking Inchworms with Push-Ups
1 minute
Twist your torso to the left and try to touch your hands to the ground.
Russian Twists
1 minute
Hip Rock N Raises
Hip Rock N Raises
30 seconds

Set 2: 4 rounds
Keep your hips tucked and your shoulders relaxed. Make sure your belly button stays drawn in.
Elbow Plank
20 seconds
10 seconds

Set 3: 1 round
Push-up Knee Tucks
Push-up Knee Tucks
1 minute
Thread the Needles
Thread the Needles
45 seconds
Return and repeat, alternating sides. Make sure you stabilize in your plank before switching sides.
Plank Bird Dog
45 seconds

Set 4: 4 rounds
Squat Hops with a Quarter Turn
Squat Hops with a Quarter Turn
20 seconds
10 seconds

Set 5: 1 round
Single Leg Touch Downs with Hop
Single Leg Touch Downs with Hop
1 minute
Dip your hips down and up, aiming to go slightly higher than neutral. Keep going. And remember: don't slouch and keep those dips steady!
Right Side Plank Dips
30 seconds
Lift your body up to neutral. Hold a moment. Then dip your hips down and back up, aiming to go slightly higher than neutral. Keep your belly button drawn in.
Left Side Plank Dips
30 seconds

Workout Discussion

07 Sep
Fab thank you. Appreciate your help!
07 Sep
@Sophie M I love this workout. It's not just about Abs. It's a well rounded way to get core strength bc of it's dynamic movement quality throughout. I think this workout would be great for your goals.
07 Sep
What do you think about this workout? Is it good? I'm 14 and I would like to strengthen my core and loose a bit of "puppy fat" would this workout be suitable for me and my purpose?

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Recommended Gear

Do this workout with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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