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Grab some dumbbells my friends, it's time to build some muscle and make some fat disappear! Building muscle is like a citronella candle and fat is like a pesky mosquito; fire up the muscle and the fat cells start to fly away. By combining cardio with muscle building you'll be rid of the fat in no time!! Let's get lean!


Set 1: 1 round
Return to standing by pressing your hips forward to activate your hamstrings. Maintain a lifted gaze and your shoulders back.
15 seconds
Plank with Toe Taps
Plank with Toe Taps
30 seconds
In one motion, jump and spread your legs out to the side and raise your arms up over your head. Land and repeat by hoping your legs back together and your hands by your sides.
Jumping Jacks
1 minute

Set 2: 2 rounds
Dumbbell Bench Step Ups
Dumbbell Bench Step Ups
1 minute
Row your right arm and the dumbbell close to your right side then lower the dumbbell back to the floor. Engage your core to keep your body still.
Dumbbell Renegade Rows
1 minute
Dumbbell Side Bends
Dumbbell Side Bends
1 min 30 secs

Set 3: 1 round
Leg Lifts
Leg Lifts
1 minute

Workout Discussion

22 Sep
Dumbell side bends is the worst exercise for your lower back! I can't believe they even have this exercise listed. Obviously the makers of this app have no clue how to properly exercise without injury. Very stupid. Deleting app!
19 Sep
Good second half cardio

Appears In

Related Workouts

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Lean & Mean A
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Quickdraw Adjustable Dumbbells
Top Choice for this Workout

Quickdraw Adjustable Dumbbells

We love these adjustable dumbbells from Rep Fitness. They take up very little space and are also very durable compared to other adjustable dumbbells on the market.

Buy Now

Workouts with the same Equipment

Dumbbell Greatness
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Extended Strength
26 minutes, Intense
Weights Circuit Program
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Don't Let Go!
20 minutes, Moderate
Strong Runner
27 mins 47 secs, Intense
Sexy Stems
25 minutes, Moderate

Do this workout in Workout Trainer
✓ Follow along to move-by-move multimedia workouts
✓ Integrated smartwatch & heart rate monitor experience
✓ Earn points, compete on the Leaderboard, stay motivated!
✓ Scheduling to fit your busy lifestyle
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Recommended Gear

Do this workout with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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