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This is a 16 week progressive preparation for “The Murph” challenge: 1 mile run; 300 air squats; 200 pushups; 100 pull-ups; 1 mile run, all done in a 20lbs (men)/14lbs(women) vest or body armor. This prep assumes the final challenge will be done as 20 air squats/10 push-ups/5 pull-ups, repeated 20 times. NOTE: every 4th week will be a “de-load” week, in which the exercises revert to an earlier, easier amount. This is imperative in order to allow the body to fully adapt to the rigors of this program. Always consult a licensed physician prior to attempting any exercise program.

1 2 3 Day 3: "Murph Prep01" 4 5 6 Day 6: "Murph Prep02" 7
8 9 10 Day 10: "Murph Prep03" 11 12 13 Day 13: "Murph Prep04" 14
15 16 17 Day 17: "Murph Prep05" 18 19 20 Day 20: "Murph Prep06" 21
22 23 24 Day 24: "Murph Prep02" 25 26 27 Day 27: "Murph Prep03" 28
29 30 31 Day 31: "Murph Prep07" 32 33 34 Day 34: "Murph Prep08" 35
36 37 38 Day 38: "Murph Prep09" 39 40 41 Day 41: "Murph Prep10" 42
43 44 45 Day 45: "Murph Prep11" 46 47 48 Day 48: "Murph Prep12" 49
50 51 52 Day 52: "Murph Prep04" 53 54 55 Day 55: "Murph Prep05" 56
57 58 59 Day 59: "Murph Prep13" 60 61 62 Day 62: "Murph Prep14" 63
64 65 66 Day 66: "Murph Prep15" 67 68 69 Day 69: "Murph Prep16" 70
71 72 73 Day 73: "Murph Prep17" 74 75 76 Day 76: "Murph Prep18" 77
78 79 80 Day 80: "Murph Prep06" 81 82 83 Day 83: "Murph Prep07" 84
85 86 87 Day 87: "Murph Prep19" 88 89 90 Day 90: "Murph Prep20" 91
92 93 94 Day 94: "Murph Prep21" 95 96 97 Day 97: "Murph Prep22" 98
99 100 101 Day 101: "Murph Prep23" 102 103 104 Day 104: "Murph Prep24" 105
106 107 108 Day 108: "Murph Prep08" 109 110 111 Day 111: "The Murph Callenge" 112

Recommended Gear

Do this program with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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