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Stability Ball Level II focuses on total body conditioning and toning as well as core strengthening. The workouts require a stability ball and a pair of medium weight dumbbells. Each week focuses on all the major muscle groups, with extra emphasis on the core. The workouts in this program gradually increase in difficulty to continually challenge your muscles and push your limits. We know you're ready for this one!

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Recommended Gear

Do this program with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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Completed By

Megan Poff
Jorge Perez
Aimee Mitchell
Анастасия Гришина
Valentina Sperti
Julie Caron Beauregard
Ben Coleman
Alessio Nannoni

Currently Enrolled

Nikolai Rascia
Emonds Kelly
Lara Fg
Nick Mutuku
Zuzanna Mikolajczyk
Merry Grant
Brody Donald
Emelie Lundberg

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Quickdraw Adjustable Dumbbells
Top Choice for this Program

Quickdraw Adjustable Dumbbells

We love these adjustable dumbbells from Rep Fitness. They take up very little space and are also very durable compared to other adjustable dumbbells on the market.

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