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This is an energizing yoga sequence that strengthens and tones your legs and core. Once you complete one round, repeat on the second side. You may want to warm up with several Sun Salutations before beginning this sequence.


Set 1: 2 rounds
If possible, press your heels toward the floor. Keep your shoulders down and back.
Downward Facing Dog
30 seconds
Warrior One
Warrior One
30 seconds
Side Angle Preparation
Side Angle Preparation
30 seconds
Extended Side Angle
Extended Side Angle
30 seconds
Extended Side Angle Bind
Extended Side Angle Bind
30 seconds
Warrior Two
Warrior Two
30 seconds
Reverse Warrior
Reverse Warrior
30 seconds
Open Triangle
Open Triangle
30 seconds
Warrior One
Warrior One
30 seconds
Warrior Three
Warrior Three
30 seconds
Mountain Pose
Mountain Pose
30 seconds
Chair Pose
Chair Pose
30 seconds
Chair with Prayer Twist
Chair with Prayer Twist
30 seconds
Stand tall with your feet together and bring the palms of your hands together at chest level. Exhale.
Prayer Hands
30 seconds

Set 2: 2 rounds
Stand tall on the entire sole of your left foot. Bend the right knee and place it on the inner thigh. Make sure your shoulders and head are vertically aligned. Keep toes pointed down.
Tree Pose with Mountain Hands
30 seconds
Try tree pose with prayer hands.
Tree Pose Prayer Hands
30 seconds
Hold one foot with hand behind your bottom and steady your balance.
Dancer Preparation
30 seconds
Dancer Pose
Dancer Pose
30 seconds
Stand tall with your feet together and bring the palms of your hands together at chest level. Exhale.
Prayer Hands
30 seconds

Set 3: 1 round
 Fold Forward
Fold Forward
30 seconds
Look up with Arched Back
Look up with Arched Back
30 seconds
Step or Hop to Plank
Step or Hop to Plank
30 seconds
If possible, press your heels toward the floor. Keep your shoulders down and back.
Downward Facing Dog
30 seconds
Stretch your arms overhead with palms on the ground.
Child's Pose
30 seconds
Open up your legs and place your thighs, knees and toes slightly outward. This is a great way to relax your heart, so make sure nothing is raised off the ground.
30 seconds

Workout Discussion

15 Aug
The best workout ♥♥
04 Aug
Good workout but no instruction what so ever.
09 Feb
Wondering the same Cedrick. I can do it from my phone but not laptop Why?
28 Aug
This is my favorite workout :)
28 Jan
Why cant I do this on my laptop?
04 Nov
Super zware been workout, omdat weinig rust, constant in warrior.

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Recommended Gear

Do this workout with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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