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Four workouts a week alternating back/biceps, chest/triceps, legs & shoulders/arms. Dumbbells and a bench are all you will need. Each workout is showing the max amount of reps you should go for with moderate weight and good form. Not the max you can lift. If you cannot go to the set number of reps lower it by 3 reps a set until you can. Be consistent, a "bad" workout is better than no workout.

1 Day 1: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 2 3 Day 3: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 4 Day 4: "Session 3 - Legs" 5 6 Day 6: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 7
8 Day 8: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 9 10 Day 10: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 11 Day 11: "Session 3 - Legs" 12 13 Day 13: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 14
15 Day 15: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 16 17 Day 17: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 18 Day 18: "Session 3 - Legs" 19 20 Day 20: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 21
22 Day 22: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 23 24 Day 24: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 25 Day 25: "Session 3 - Legs" 26 27 Day 27: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 28
29 Day 29: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 30 31 Day 31: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 32 Day 32: "Session 3 - Legs" 33 34 Day 34: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 35
36 Day 36: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 37 38 Day 38: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 39 Day 39: "Session 3 - Legs" 40 41 Day 41: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 42
43 Day 43: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 44 45 Day 45: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 46 Day 46: "Session 3 - Legs" 47 48 Day 48: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 49
50 Day 50: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 51 52 Day 52: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 53 Day 53: "Session 3 - Legs" 54 55 Day 55: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 56
57 Day 57: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 58 59 Day 59: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 60 Day 60: "Session 3 - Legs" 61 62 Day 62: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 63
64 Day 64: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 65 66 Day 66: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 67 Day 67: "Session 3 - Legs" 68 69 Day 69: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 70
71 Day 71: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 72 73 Day 73: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 74 Day 74: "Session 3 - Legs" 75 76 Day 76: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 77
78 Day 78: "Session 1 - Chest / Triceps" 79 80 Day 80: "Session 2 - Back / Biceps" 81 Day 81: "Session 3 - Legs" 82 83 Day 83: "Session 4 - Shoulders / Arms" 84

Recommended Gear

Do this program with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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Completed By

Luna Lisa
Myrna Ruelas
Macka Tapa

Currently Enrolled

Keith A
Glasel Pineda

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