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#1 aggressive motivation xtreme obstacle demolition surprise. along with personal mon wed fri w/o's

1 2 Day 2: "W1/1" 3 Day 3: "Bike" 4 Day 4: "1/3 run only" 5 6 Day 6: "W1/1" 7 Day 7: "W1/2"
8 9 Day 9: "w2/1 a" 10 Day 10: "W1/2" 11 Day 11: "1/3 run only" 12 13 Day 13: "w2/1 a" 14 Day 14: "W1/2"
15 16 Day 16: "W2/1" 17 Day 17: "Bike" 18 Day 18: "1/3 run only" 19 20 Day 20: "W2/1" 21 Day 21: "W1/2"
22 23 Day 23: "W3/1" 24 Day 24: "W1/2" 25 Day 25: "1/3 run only" 26 27 Day 27: "W3/1" 28 Day 28: "W1/2"
29 30 Day 30: "W3/1" 31 Day 31: "Bike" 32 Day 32: "2/3 run only" 33 34 Day 34: "W3/1" 35 Day 35: "W1/2"
36 37 Day 37: "W3/1" 38 Day 38: "w3/2" 39 Day 39: "2/3 run only" 40 41 Day 41: "W3/1" 42 Day 42: "w3/2"
43 44 Day 44: "4x1 Original" 45 Day 45: "Bike" 46 Day 46: "w3/3 run only" 47 48 Day 48: "4x1 Original" 49 Day 49: "w3/2"
50 51 Day 51: "4x1 Original" 52 Day 52: "w3/2" 53 Day 53: "w4/3 run only" 54 55 Day 55: "4x1 Original" 56 Day 56: "w3/2"
57 58 Day 58: "w4/1n" 59 Day 59: "Bike" 60 Day 60: "w4/3 run only" 61 62 Day 62: "w4/1n" 63 Day 63: "w3/2"
64 65 Day 65: "w4/1n" 66 Day 66: "w3/2" 67 Day 67: "w5/3 run only" 68 69 Day 69: "w4/1n" 70 Day 70: "w3/2"
71 72 Day 72: "w4/1n" 73 Day 73: "w5/2" 74 75 76 77 Day 77: "virtual spartan sprint"

Recommended Gear

Do this program with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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Rep Fitness AB-511 Adjustable Weight Bench

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