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About Me

I am a poet/writer that can write any genre you want. I am a straight-A student. And don´t let others get inside your head it´s what's inside that matters. Here is one of my stories and poems. The Lion in the Cage: I hear the lion roar in his glistening cage The roars of sin For the lord is the lion who forgives sin The lion tears his meat up and devours it Maybe you're the meat The lion purs as he licks his fur The lion is in deep sleep under the white bright moon For he who wakes him up Will find fear in the eyes For the lion is lonely All who seeks him imagine the lion as a predator But the lion is a fascinating creature That shall not be in a cage One Voice: Trailer: The smell of flames roams through my window, fogging my nostrils. The sound of arguments, and sirens. I overheard the news. ¨A man is shot three times by a white officer.¨ Says the news reporter. A man getting hit on the streets which looked like an officer I look towards my mother. ¨What are they doing to him mama¨ I yell She doesn´t answer. I take a big step and something happened that was unexpecting. STOP!

Recent Updates

25 Jun
Nathan Campos is now following:
23 Jun
Nathan Campos is now following:
23 Jun
Nathan Campos posted a status update:
It seems like I haven't been on skimble at all, but that doesn't mean i'm not working out, I am going to the gym, and now I have gained a lot of muscle, and became leaner! love to all
10 Mar
Nathan Campos posted a status update:
Working out on youtube, a lot of core and strength training.
06 Jan
Nathan Campos did a workout:
24:00:00    Intense
06 Jan
Pretty tiring when you are a older sibling
04 Jan
Nathan Campos did a workout:
11:55    Intense
04 Jan
Nathan Campos posted a status update:
I'll be adding workouts I do outside of Skimble, HAPPY NEW YEAR... New Year, New You. :)
24 Dec
Nathan Campos posted a status update:
Coming back strong 2021!!!
19 Nov
Nathan Campos is now following:
20 Oct
Nathan Campos did a workout:
24:00:00    Intense
06 Aug
Nathan Campos did a workout:
24:00:00    Intense
29 Jul
Nathan Campos is now following:
Skimble 💪
From United States
27 Jul
Nathan Campos posted a status update:
02 Jul
Nathan Campos did a workout:
34:00    Beginner
Wow very good warm up
01 Jul
Nathan Campos did a workout:
01 Jul
Nathan Campos did a workout:
10:50    Beginner
01 Jul
Nathan Campos did a workout:
02:00    Moderate
01 Jul
Nathan Campos did a workout:
24:00:00    Intense
30 Jun
Nathan Campos did a workout:
05:35    Beginner
30 Jun
Nathan Campos did a workout:
00:05    Beginner
Thank you for this, and by the way, can I join your team.
30 Jun
30 Jun
30 Jun
Nathan Campos posted a status update:
Trust me its fun
04 Jul
what kind of music do you like to sing?
04 Jul
Any, mainly christian.
30 Jun
Nathan Campos did a workout:
24:00:00    Intense
29 Jun
Nathan Campos posted a status update:
24 hours of watching no seriously they wake me up but I enjoy it.
29 Jun
Nathan Campos did a workout:
04:00:00    Moderate
I watch my sister 24/7
29 Jun
via Android
Nathan Campos did a workout:
02:50    Beginner
29 Jun
via Android
Nathan Campos did a workout:
20:00    Moderate
27 Jun
via Android
Nathan Campos did a workout:
07:00    Intense