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Transform your body from head-to-toe with this Total Transformation. You will gain physical and mental strength by the end of this 4 week workout program, so commit to transform and you will be happy inside and out. Each day has a different area of focus, like your lower body, upper body, core and total body cardio. Are you ready to start your transformation? To see all of your hard work pay off, be sure to snap a before and after selfie for comparison! You will need dumbbells to complete this program.

1 2 Day 2 3 Day 3 4 5 Day 5 6 7 Day 7
8 9 Day 9 10 Day 10 11 Day 11 12 13 Day 13 14
15 Day 15 16 17 Day 17 18 Day 18 19 20 Day 20 21 Day 21
22 23 Day 23 24 Day 24 25 26 Day 26 27 28 Day 28

Recommended Gear

Do this program with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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Completed By

Sagar Bhat
Nicky Bohorfoush
Elianea Lewis
Julie Caron Beauregard
Drew Taylor
Zafer Aytekin
Ben Juarez
Malkio Fa Tutto

Currently Enrolled

Ashley Davis
Jennifer Wilson
Mafy Carrera
Esteban Meira
Joana Rojas
Danny Rosales

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Quickdraw Adjustable Dumbbells
Top Choice for this Program

Quickdraw Adjustable Dumbbells

We love these adjustable dumbbells from Rep Fitness. They take up very little space and are also very durable compared to other adjustable dumbbells on the market.

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