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Start on all-fours with your torso on the ball, hands and feet on the floor. Extend your legs straight back and shift your shoulders over your hands. Inhale and move forward so that your hips are directly on top of the ball. Exhale and pull your abs away from the ball, squeezing your glutes so your legs lift off the floor. Hold a few breaths before returning and repeating.

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Step by Step
How to do: Ball Reverse Extensions - Step 1

How to do: Ball Reverse Extensions - Step 2

How to do: Ball Reverse Extensions - Step 3

How to do: Ball Reverse Extensions - Step 4

How to do: Ball Reverse Extensions - Step 5

How to do: Ball Reverse Extensions - Step 6

How to do: Ball Reverse Extensions - Step 7

How to do: Ball Reverse Extensions - Step 8

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