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Inhale and lift your left leg up and back. Exhale and step forward. Inhale to Warrior 2. Exhale and clasp your hands behind you to Archer. Breathe deeply. Inhale and open your arms. Exhale and place your left elbow on your knee. Reach your right arm up and over by your ear to Side Angle. Take your right arm up and over behind you. Place your left fingertips on the mat. Clasp your hands around your left thigh to Bound Side Angle. Breathe deeply. Inhale and step your back foot forward. Exhale and shift your weight into your right foot. Inhale and lift up to Bird of Paradise. Breathe deeply.

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Step by Step
How to do: Left Bird of Paradise Sequence - Step 1

How to do: Left Bird of Paradise Sequence - Step 2

How to do: Left Bird of Paradise Sequence - Step 3

How to do: Left Bird of Paradise Sequence - Step 4

How to do: Left Bird of Paradise Sequence - Step 5

How to do: Left Bird of Paradise Sequence - Step 6

How to do: Left Bird of Paradise Sequence - Step 7

How to do: Left Bird of Paradise Sequence - Step 8

How to do: Left Bird of Paradise Sequence - Step 9

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