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A timed workout, training to improve only one exercise: push-ups. Keep your back straight and get your chin to touch the floor. Sets 1, 3, 4 at 60%~70% of your maximum number of reps. Set 2 at 75%~85% of your max number of reps. Continue with the fifth set until you cannot keep proper form or cannot complete a full push-up.


Set 1: 1 round
45 seconds
2 minutes

Set 2: 1 round
45 seconds
2 minutes

Set 3: 1 round
45 seconds
2 minutes

Set 4: 1 round
45 seconds
2 minutes

Set 5: 1 round
Reps until failure
2 minutes

Workout Discussion

02 Oct
@Raj B it depends on my workout goals and gym availability etc. When I’m traveling, can’t get to the gym, or focusing on muscular endurance or push power (by adding plyo to the exercise) I predominately use bodyweight exercises. Add variations, change angles, add a plyometric element to it, whatever you like. Overall, for me, it’s a great exercise.
28 Sep
I mean, I do push ups but don't see the benefit when compared to wieght training
27 Sep
27 Sep
Push ups feel like a waste of time.

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✓ Integrated smartwatch & heart rate monitor experience
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✓ Scheduling to fit your busy lifestyle
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Recommended Gear

Do this workout with the best exercise equipment. We recommend using a bluetooth chest strap heart rate monitor or a smartwatch for more training optimization & performance tracking.

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